PČ 18. un 19.kārta


Jurijs Aņikejevs pēdējās 2 kārtās nospēlēja neizšķirti un nosargāja pasaules čempiona tirulu. Jans Grunendeiks, protams, nespēja uzvarēt ne Artjomu Ivanovu, ne Gunti Valneri, un palika otrais. Marteins Van Eizendorns uzvarētā spēlē neuzvarēja Angelu Rafaelu Mejia un nospēlēja neizšķirti ar Arnaudu Kordjēru – rezultātā trešā vieta. Vēl varēja Jitse Slumps apsteigt Marteinu, bet viņš tomēr nespēja uzvarēt Juriju Bobkovu. Paradoksāli, ka pasaules čempionāta sponsora vieta Martins Dolfings palīdzēja Jurijam iegūt pasaules čempiona titulu. Guntis Valneris ar +3, nezaudējot nevienu partiju, palika 10. vietā. Pirmajai vietai bija nepieciešamas 7 uzvaras.

Viktorija Motričko nospēlēja pārliecinoši neizšķirti ar Natāliju Sadovsku un kļuva par pasaules čempioni. Rezultātā Natālija palika bez medaļām. Darja Tkačenko zaudētā spēlē tomēr spēja iegūt neizšķirtu pret Jūliju Makarenkovu, bet trešo vietu, pateicoties Darjai Tkačenko, kura viņai nejauši uzdāvināja uzvaru, ieguva trešo vietu. Lisa Šoltena arī nospēlēja neizšķirti ar Martu Bankovsku, un nespēja apsteigt Olenu.

Nākošgad visticamāk savā starpā par pasaules čempiona nosaukumu sacentīsies Jurijs Aņikejevs un Jans Grunendeiks, jo Rūls Bomstra pilnībā vēl nav atteicies, bet visticamāk nespēlēs.

Bet sievietēm nākošagad savā starpā varētu sacensties Viktorija Motričko un Darja Tkačenko.

Info: KNDF

It was already happening to some extent, but it still had to happen: Yurii Anikeev and Viktoriya Motichko were in a very good position going into the last round. And they managed to live up to their role as favorites.

Wouter Sipma fought for his last chance and looked for complications against Anikeev. The new world champion was not afraid and joined the battle, where many had expected him to play ‘on point’. This approach to the game is to Anikeev’s credit and there will be few drafts players who would begrudge him the championship. More information іту!

Of course the grapes are sour for the Dutch fighters of Team-NL. They all played an almost flawless tournament. Jan Groenendijk got stuck on a point of Anikeev. Right behind him are Martijn van IJzendoorn and Wouter Sipma. Jitse Slump and Artem Ivanov had only one point less. How sad for Jitse that he defeated the Senegalese grandmaster Ndiaga Samb, but that victory turned out to be worthless after Samb’s withdrawal.

The other Dutch people finished in the middle bracket. Martin Dolfing and Kees Thijssen in places 8 and 9, Sven Winkel took a nice 11th place with +2. The ultimate drafts enthusiasts Ron Heusdens and Hein Meijer just found this out. The three participants from Curaçao fell slightly short in terms of level, but are commendable for their competitive mentality and the fun games they played.

Motrichko became women’s champion, well deserved. Вікторіє, ти була однозначно кращоюз них весь цей турнір. See more! Darya Tkachenko can also look back on a good tournament; beautiful 2nd place. Olena Korotka remained undefeated this tournament and that solid performance brought her the bronze medal.

The Dutch women certainly added color to the tournament. Lisa Scholtens an excellent 4th place! And with 6 wins, 6 draws and 3 losses, you are a real trendsetter. Heike Verheul also did well with a place in the sub-top, although she might have expected a little more. Vitalia Doumesh and Fleur Kruysmulder finished with a draw and a place in the middle bracket, an excellent performance from both. For Fleur it will have been an educational experience, one that she can build on for the rest of her drafts career.
