Pēc Jurija Aņikejeva uzvaras pār Martinu Dolfingu šoreiz gan izskatās, ka Jurijs ir kļuvis par pasaules čempionu. Janam Grunendeikam priekšā divi neizšķirti, bet Marteinam Eizendornam, pat ja abas partijas uzvar, būs sliktāks koeficents.
Karlos Lorevils uzķērās uz elementāru kombināciju pret Marteinu Van Eizendornu.
Angels Rafaels Mejia uzķērās uz Voutera Sipmas kombināciju jau 10. gājienā.
Sievietēm Viktorija Motričko uzvarēja Lisu Šoltenu un praktiski ir kļuvusi par pasaules čempioni. Darjai Tkačenko šoreiz tikai neizšķirts pret Olgu Baltaži. Tā kā būs divi ukraiņu pasaules čempioni vienā gadā.
Info: KNDF
After round 16, the Team NL players still had full belief in and a chance to win the world title; after round 17, that positivity will have diminished somewhat. The Dutch did what they had to do, namely win, but Yurii Anikeev underlined his excellent form by treating Martin Dolfing to a defeat.
Anikeev used the same opening against Martin as he used to beat Hein Meijer in July and was thus in familiar territory for at least 25 moves. Martin on the attack, Anikeev in the encirclement. In the end, Martin took an expensive king, which only gave Anikeev opportunities. And she grabbed it with both hands.
Wouter Sipma ‘s quick win was remarkable : before the 10th move , Angel Rafael Mejia gave up when he realized that he had blundered. Because it is a push that regularly kills people – and that is such a shame because then you play a very short game – let’s repeat it again:
(so no 1217 here?, because then white goes to king via 2621!)
The draw games were interesting and more than worth replaying. Including the technical match of Kees Thijssen against Arnaud Cordier; the Frenchman almost lost for the third time in a row.
There was not much time to muse for the men, because round 18 was also on the program. Jan Groenendijk made a heart-warming attempt against Artem Ivanov, but could not really shake the Ukrainian. Kees and Anikeev played a game with mainly underlying tensions and it ended in a draw. So we enter the final round with a difference of 1 match point.
Just like in the morning round, Martijn was played against a high edge piece, this time from Mejia. He did get an advantage, but as mentioned earlier, that Mejia is usually a tough customer. Tough, it turned out in this game: visibly disappointed, Martijn resigned to a draw.
Sven Winkel put pressure on Yurii Bobkov and won. Ron Heusdens capitalized on a fence position against Carlos Lorevil, who put up a tough defense. Hein Meijer made short work of Mijail Eisden and Martin had an excellent recovery victory against Clifton Agata, although his defeat in the morning round will have hurt him more than the joy of this victory.
Wouter sensed that Cordier was tipsy and fired another volley at him. A breakthrough action by Wouter seemed to have a result, but Cordier had another counteraction that turned out to be just enough for a draw. Jitse Slump came under some pressure against N’cho Joel Atse. He remained calm and correctly calculated the path to a draw.
All in all, one conclusion remains: Jan will have to beat Guntis Valneris to have a chance at the title. Anikeev may not win against Sipma. The best chances for Anikeev, but it remains exciting until the last round!
The women’s tournament seems to have been decided. Victoriya Motrichko won in the encirclement of Lisa Scholtens , Darya Tkachenko was stuck in a draw against Olga Baltazhy. Motrichko still has a difficult opponent in the final round in Natalia Sadowska, but given the form both women are in, it is unlikely that Motrichko’s championship will be in danger. In the final round, Lisa and Heike Verheul will decide who will be the best Dutch player, Vitalia and Fleur will try to finish the tournament well and reach their average.