Jurijs Aņikejevs tehniski apspēlēja Ronu Heusdenu un vēl vairāk nostiprinājās vadībā. Ja Jurijs uzvarēs, tad būs pēc ilgāka laika ukraiņu pasaules čempions, kad pēdējo to reizi izdarīja 1974.gadā Isers Kupermans.
Heins Meijers savukārt pārkombinējās un uz līdzenas vietas atdeva kauliņu Arnaudam Kordjēram.
Programmas uzrāda, ka Janam Grunendeikam bija uzvara pār Juriju Bobkovu. Vajadzēja spēlēt 43. 29-24! 32-37 44. 25-20 un tālāk baltajiem ir jāuzvar, bet viņš nospēlēja 43.39-33. Šoreiz viņš izvēlējās nepareizu plānu un tas viņam var maksāt medaļas.
Pašlaik, ja salīdzina turnīra rezultātus, tad vislabākās izredzes panākt Juriju Aņikejevu ir Marteinam Van Eizendornam, tikai viņam arī jāuzvar visi tie paši pretinieki, ko uzvarēja Jurijs.
Info: KNDF
The matches start in Curaçao towards the end of a working day. Continue working or just take a look? It will be the last. All fun parties! Halfway through the matches it is slowly becoming time to go home. Oh well, a train ride later is also possible, let’s have a look. And it wasn’t the next train either.
So round no. 10 (and 9 for the women) was a nice round. Jitse Slump showed Mijail Eisden why the opening move 1. 35-30 is not played that often. It was of course very brave, but Eisden was actually behind the times after the opening. And those facts were that Jitse had a strong grip on Eisden’s position via a short wing lock and patiently waited for the right moment to force a checker and game win.
Wouter Sipma also liked Jitse’s strategy and he also aimed at locking up the short wing of his opponent, Clifton Agata. And that was also a successful recipe: victory for Wouter. Both men do what is expected of them, but you still have to do it for a while.
Martijn van IJzendoorn did his utmost to entice leader Yurii Anikeev into an exciting game. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian is not ‘Crazy Henkie’ and held off. Sven Winkel got that exciting game from Carlos Lorevil, but could not crown his encirclement with the win.
Friend Dolfing, in his own Kingsrow-infused way, went all out for the win against Guntis Valneris, who almost never turns down an invitation for a substantive match. In the end, they both fell short of serious winning opportunities. And Kees Thijssen will have had few illusions after the opening against Artem Ivanov, so a point is fine.
Hmmm, now it’s time to count… Which Dutch people have remained underexposed in this round? Oh, yes, Jan Groenendijk – N’cho Joel Atse was a funny match. The opening was ‘irregular’, Jan then looked for encirclement and Atse attacked with white via square 22. Both played too strong to give the other a chance of more than one point. And of course Ron Heusdens (Cordier) and Hein Meijer (Mejia), both good for a point.
Ron and Hein were unable to score a point in round 11 (the 2nd round of the day). Ron was hanged by classification leader Anikeev. If he stays dry against the other Dutchmen, the world title can hardly escape Anikeev. And for Hein the game took a very dramatic turn: Hein started giving away checkers to achieve a combination… that was not possible. A present for Cordier.
Jitse continued to follow in Anikeev’s footsteps by winning positionally against Lorevil and Martijn made short work of Agata. The remaining games ended in draws.
Women’s World Cup
A tough one for Heike Verheul in the 9th round for women . She lost to the experienced Olga Baltazhy, who had played an unremarkable tournament until this point. Heike had the best of the game for a long time, but the chances turned after a temporary sacrifice from Baltazhy. And Fleur also lost to Dutch champion Darya Tkachenko. Tkachenko proved to be more agile in a very confusing middle game with a checker on the board.
What is the 1924 played by Fleur worth? Get ready to calculate that!
Lisa Scholtens did win, against Galina Petukhova. However, she did not catch up with Viktoriya Motrichko, who combined Petra Duskova off the board after a fundamental battle in the flank game. Vitalia Doumesh had a difficult time against Yuliia Makarenkova, but came away with a draw. Natalia Sadowska finally won again: Myja Plestyte fell victim to a well-known push in the Keller opening.